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Do I Need Running Shorts

Socks, shoes, shirt, sunglasses, watch, water, check, check, check. Wait, Do I Need Running Shorts? Now one would need some form of leg covering to go out into public, but with running, aren’t all bottoms equal? Can I just slide into my favorite pair of dress pants and hit the track? Some of my fitness friends talk about their favorite leggings or “super cute” little short running shorts as I casually think to myself “aren’t shorts just like… shorts?” This posts breaks down this curious question into three easy to understand parts:

The GOOD short options for running
The BAD short options for running
The UGLY lower body coverings not exactly designed for exercise in general but people still wear them

Private: Running Shorts
UGLY Running Shorts BAD Running Shorts Good Running Shorts

UGLY Running Shorts

  • Think of a time where you tried running down the street, maybe from bar to bar with the girlfriends or the parking lot five minutes late to that meeting. Then recall what you were wearing while doing such and that, that my friends are ugly shorts
  • These can be beyond the traditional dangers to your physical health, as mentioned above, but more danger to your mental health with how people look and perceive you. Not that such matters but we all have some size of an ego to protect.

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BAD Running Shorts

  • Traditional Sports Shorts: Kind of fun to say five times fast but as the title reads, wearing bottoms that are designed specifically for other sports may be holding you back from that next personal best. They also could be making your running experience a bit more uncomfortable which could prevent you from wanting to continue getting better. Since these shorts typically don't come with another lining, underwear is strongly preferred. Otherwise, you could be battling a chafing war where the sun doesn't shine.
  • Improper Fitting Shorts: Running around with one hand on your waist and the other wiping sweat off your forehead can be a quick way to get hurt. If the shorts fall below your hips consistently, it can start to create complications with your overall running economy / form.
  • Thick / Heavy Shorts: Guys, this one is more geared towards you. Like any portion of your body, during exercise you're going to be generating some serious heat. Making every day feel like summer training! Doing such consistently can actually hurt your overall fertility and sperm count. Also, any place where air circulation is limited but things are warm and sweaty can be a breading ground for bacteria. Acne can also be a concerning factor so just be aware of how things are feeling while out cleaning up those miles.

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Good Running Shorts

  • Comfort: Simply meaning that if they don't feel good, you most likely wont be wearing them for too long. When it comes to comfort, you want to look for: Sweat-wicking / Quick-Drying / spacious / 4-way stitching. Running shorts that are designed for comfort are traditionally made up of polyester or nylon and a smaller percentage of elastane. This gives them that smooth feeling against your skin but also the extra stretch and flexibility when needed. Notice the pair shown below. They're a bit airy, a nice length on the leg, and allow for good circulation
  • Speed: Planning on hitting the track or turning your training up a notch? You'll need a solid pair of shorts that don't fall under the pressure. When it comes to speed shorts, we're thinking of the words: lightweight, splits of <5 inches / mesh-liners, no excessive pockets, and sometimes, no drawstring. Speedy running shorts are traditionally nylon and polyester but also some spandex in the liner to help from riding up while you're out getting your workout on. Looking at the ones below we see a higher cut along the sides, no drawstrings, traditionally shorter in length, and include a mesh liner to keep things from sliding up or down on the hips
  • Compression: Four easy words. No More Riding Up! One would want to consider a pair of compression shorts, as well as tights, capris, or leggings. Most all of these options are possibly going to weigh more than the above two. Regardless, they'll help prevent chafing, can be worn underneath some regular running shorts, and can have some beneficial recovery traits. Being around 80% nylon and 20% spandex, such provide a snug fit, can come with pockets, and really help show off those curves

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The Good Running Short Options

When you think of good running shorts options, we have a handful of qualities which should certainly be considered:

  • Comfort: Simply meaning that if they don’t feel good, you most likely wont be wearing them for too long. When it comes to comfort, you want to look for: Sweat-wicking / Quick-Drying / spacious / 4-way stitching. Running shorts that are designed for comfort are traditionally made up of polyester or nylon and a smaller percentage of elastane. This gives them that smooth feeling against your skin but also the extra stretch and flexibility when needed. Notice the pair shown below. They’re a bit airy, a nice length on the leg, and allow for good circulation

  • Speed: Planning on hitting the track or turning your training up a notch? You’ll need a solid pair of shorts that don’t fall under the pressure. When it comes to speed shorts, we’re thinking of the words: lightweight, splits of <5 inches / mesh-liners, no excessive pockets, and sometimes, no drawstring. Speedy running shorts are traditionally nylon and polyester but also some spandex in the liner to help from riding up while you’re out getting your workout on. Looking at the ones below we see a higher cut along the sides, no drawstrings, traditionally shorter in length, and include a mesh liner to keep things from sliding up or down on the hips

  • Compression: Four easy words. No More Riding Up! One would want to consider a pair of compression shorts, as well as tights, capris, or leggings. Most all of these options are possibly going to weigh more than the above two. Regardless, they’ll help prevent chafing, can be worn underneath some regular running shorts, and can have some beneficial recovery traits. Being around 80% nylon and 20% spandex, such provide a snug fit, can come with pockets, and really help show off those curves


The Bad Running Short Options

When we say “bad” we don’t mean that you have to look down at what you’re currently wearing and immediately feel shame or guilt. The goal here is for you to better understand that not all shorts are created equally.

  • Traditional Sports Shorts: Kind of fun to say five times fast but as the title reads, wearing bottoms that are designed specifically for other sports may be holding you back from that next personal best. They also could be making your running experience a bit more uncomfortable which could prevent you from wanting to continue getting better. Since these shorts typically don’t come with another lining, underwear is strongly preferred. Otherwise, you could be battling a chafing war where the sun doesn’t shine.
  • Improper Fitting Shorts: Running around with one hand on your waist and the other wiping sweat off your forehead can be a quick way to get hurt. If the shorts fall below your hips consistently, it can start to create complications with your overall running economy / form.
  • Thick / Heavy Shorts: Guys, this one is more geared towards you. Like any portion of your body, during exercise you’re going to be generating some serious heat. Making every day feel like summer training! Doing such consistently can actually hurt your overall fertility and sperm count. Also, any place where air circulation is limited but things are warm and sweaty can be a breading ground for bacteria. Acne can also be a concerning factor so just be aware of how things are feeling while out cleaning up those miles.


The Ugly Running Short Options

I’ve seen it before while out and about. Someone running down the street in a pair of khaki shorts. Another taking a jog around the block in a pair of jeans, dress pants, longer skirts, or snowboarding pants. Okay okay, I may have made that last one up but you see my point. One of my favorite YouTubers, Nick Symmonds, has a great example of running in jeans found here. So who knows, he may be onto something as I wont spoil how fast the race is actually run in.

  • Think of a time where you tried running down the street, maybe from bar to bar with the girlfriends or the parking lot five minutes late to that meeting. Then recall what you were wearing while doing such and that, that my friends are ugly shorts
  • These can be beyond the traditional dangers to your physical health, as mentioned above, but more danger to your mental health with how people look and perceive you. Not that such matters but we all have some size of an ego to protect.


What I love doing with my shorts to help preserve their lives from the super spinner or terrorizing tumbler (washing & dryer) would be to take them in the shower with me. Now you obviously take them off but ensure they get a good scrubbing with some anti-bacterial soap. This will not only keep them smelling fresh but will prevent areas getting stretched out, strings lost, or seams fraying. Toss them up on the rack next to your towel and they’ll be ready to go for the next day!

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