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Running Tips For Beginners | Downhill Running

Downhill Running is usually not widely discussed or trained on when it comes to Running Tips For Beginners. In 5 Quick Tips we can help you get to the bottom quickly and safely! Such can be used on any terrain, be it road or trail. Feel free to add any of your go-to tips in the comments. If reading is not your thing, check out the video below.

Quick, Tall, yet Soft Feet When Running Downhill

  • “THE MOST IMPORTANT TIP” Just like it sounds, focus on fast feet and really lifting them up on every step. When they do make contact with the ground, tread lightly, so your momentum can continue to carry you forward. This can also help prevent you from tripping on those pesky roots & rocks. Also speed bumps, curbs, and other sneaky changes on the pavement. A common misunderstanding with downhill running, is that the longer your legs reach out the faster you’ll go. I encourage you to give it a try and see how much of your heal you land on. Every time there’s a heal strike, it’s like hitting the brakes on your car. Keep the strides short, lifted, and soft upon impact to get down quickly and safely.
Toes are your GAS pedal and your heals are the BRAKES. Change speeds in the ankles and not so much the hips or your upper body

Keep Things Slow & Steady

  • Don’t try to build the entire bridge in one day. Find a nice gentle hill that isn’t too steep so you can develop your skills which can then be used to CRUSH those larger ones. From the top, if it looks clear and easy going, let gravity help you get down. If the terrain looks a bit bumpy and is full of obstacles, downshift your pace a bit and really focus on taking things one step at a time. The goal is not to roll down the hill but effectively run down such. Also ensure that you have the proper shoes for trail / downhill running. Anything that has some significant wear on them could cause additional problems, especially if the ground is wet or icy. Luckily you have perfect summer days to run in all the time. ; )

Relaxed & Focused Running

  • Looking 20 or so feet in front of you at all times is a bit recommendation. This can create a better posture overall, which will allow your shoulders to remain tall and rolled back. If you are all tensed up through your shoulders, the force that’s normally absorbed by your calves, ends up shaking your entire body. Also, we hope you packed your smile before leaving because know’s the time to put it on. Keeping a relaxed face and upper body can translate to speed! Plus, it makes you look like you’re actually enjoying your exercise. Unless you have some form of a mask on of course.

    Tensing up will prevent your body from absorbing the impact which can slow you down or even create injuries

Lean Away From The Downhill

  • When we say, lean away, that refers to trying to stay upright or perpendicular to the hill. Some runners think that downhill running is all about a big forward lean, until their foot catches something, then it’s face painting time. In the contrary, if you’re leaning way too far back, your feet will land far in front of you, resulting in a heal strike, brake pedal,  and slow down effect. Also, allow your ankles to manage the way your feet contact the ground, not your hips! Your body should be upright when looking at you from the side. This type of position gives you the max control when downhill running. A little bonus tip: Having super tight / super loose shorts on, could restrict your movement, which can play a role in your downhill running technique.

Downhill Running Technique

Use Those Arms For Downhill Running

  • Hills aren’t just for the lower body. Practice using your arms to help keep your upper body balanced, even if the lower body isn’t. It may look a bit funny at this but I even did such today when going over a median on an angle. Just letting the arms come up to ensure you remain in control and you’ll be able react much quicker if a foot gets tripped up or slips out. Want to test this theory, run downhill with your arms tight at your sides. You’ll see how unstable you feel real quick, especially when it comes to downhill running on trails.

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